Safety First! Those two simple words define the number one priority for the teams of California Arborist! How do we turn those words into actions that are meaningful and measurable?
- Prevention – actively identify and correct potential hazards. Vehicles, equipment, tools and personal protective equipment are inspected daily for problems or needed maintenance. Job sites are reviewed and adjustments made for unique safety concerns.
- Participation – teamwork is essential. Team members work together and communicate continually to assure the safety of themselves, their team members, and others within the job site boundaries. Any member of the team has the authority to stop work on the site if conditions or actions create an environment that is a potentially high risk.
- Preparation – meet, train and test. Daily Tailgate Safety Meetings at job sites; weekly all-teams Safety Meetings at the yard; general and specific skill training quarterly; and unannounced job site visits to observe proper tool usage and process adherence.
- Proactive – lead in implementing positive changes to eliminate hazards and reduce risk. Active in professional organizations in the industry; encourage relevant certifications; and subscribe to various publications to stay updated on current direction and recent changes.

California Arborist is proud to be certified as a Treecare Safety Professional.